
What is the delivery Fee?

We charge a flat rate of R99.00 per delivery for all Gauteng and surrounding areas deliveries. Kindly contact us to confirm delivery fees outside Gauteng and surrounding areas. 

Is there anywhere in South Africa you can’t deliver?

Unfortunately, the following regions are currently not covered by our courier for next day delivery so we can’t guarantee it will arrive fresh:

  • Western Cape
  • Eastern Cape
  • KwaZulu-Natal
  • Northern Cape

We do however deliver all Dry Meat products all over South Africa for a flat fee of R150 outside Gauteng and surrounds.

How is the food packaged? How does the meat stay cold and fresh? 

We deliver all fresh meat products in temperature controlled recyclable boxes that are lined with polystyrene inserts and packed with recyclable ice packs which keep your food chilled for up to 36 hours. Our ice packs may melt while your order is out for delivery, however we regularly test our packaging to ensure the freshness.

What days do Vleish deliver?

For your convenience, we only deliver on weekdays.

Can I choose the time of delivery?

We don’t currently offer the option of selecting a delivery time. You’ll receive a delivery notification via text or email on the day of your delivery. We also take delivery instructions if you’re not home when we’re due to deliver.

Do I have to be home to receive my delivery? 

One of the best things about getting a Vleish Box is that you don’t have to be home when we deliver. Our courier service is able to leave your box in a safe place as specified by you under ‘Delivery instructions’ in your account. As we deliver perishable goods, we are unable to re-direct a box once it is with our courier service.

What do I do with my empty boxes? Can they be recycled?

Our cardboard boxes are FSC certified and can be put in your regular household recycling. The ice packs are also 100% recyclable. We do however suggest reusing them as they make great coolers for your cooler box